This page explains terms and jargon commonly used in relation to CNC-machining at Fellesverkstedet, so it’s good to get familiar with them. Is there another term you think is missing here? Please let us know by sending an e-mail to [email protected] so we can add them!


= Computer Numerical Control, which basically means you use a computer to control a machine to do tasks. So in theory a 3D printer is also a cnc-machine but the term is mostly used for machines cutting/removing material.

Sacrificial layer

Top layer of the machine which is used to screw material onto. Gets worn over time since you usually cut a tiny bit into this layer, hence the name sacrificial layer. This layer gets planed regularly to make sure you have a flat surface to attach the material to.

Milling bit

The tool or "drill" that you put into the cnc-machine and which rotates and cuts through the material.

Conventional milling

See Milling direction

Climb milling

See Milling direction


See File-prepping
